I need you to take a deep breath and reflect on these questions:

  • Why do you wake up every morning?
  • Why do you go to work?

Were you able to answer the questions confidently?

Conformity is very slippery, you get into it without knowing because everybody is doing it.

You have been taught to go to school and get good grades so you can get a good job.

You have been doing this and it’s been great but suddenly you start feeling dissatisfied, you no longer find the joy you used to. You start seeking answers to your dilemma.

You start questioning everything you know……

Can you relate to this? 

I feel you because I have been there.

But I tell you it’s a great place to be if you can leverage the feeling and experience. 

If you desire more in life and you want to achieve your definition of success you must experience this phase.

This is an opportunity for you to ask yourself the right questions and embrace your true essence.

You see the quality of questions you ask will determine the quality of answers you get and this will impact the quality of your life.

Until you know why you wake up every morning to go to work (or your business) you will not have a sense of purpose. And what is life if not lived with purpose?

If you desire to be successful in life and free yourself from waking up to a life that you are not excited about, you need to start asking yourself the right questions. 

These questions may not be easy to answer. But trust me seeking answers will open you to some truths that will transform your life and give your life meaning. 

I hope this post was worth the read for you.

Feel free to comment below or reach out to me via email @info@oludayoadeniyi.com

You can also follow me on Instagram where I share empowering content that can inspire and motivate you to greater success: https://www.instagram.com/iamoludayoadeniyi

I am rooting for you 

Abundance Queen 

Abundance is your birthright

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